Ā Create Your Best Year With Power And Intention

A 9-week coaching experience forĀ female leaders


CreateĀ your personalĀ roadmap toĀ confidence, clarity, a network of support, and a renewed sense of direction.


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A 9-week experience to reimagine your life and your unique contribution to the world

You will finish this course feeling powerful and intentional about the way you move in your career.

"For me the structure right from the beginning provide a clear picture of what content would be covered. This allowed me to be more present because I didn't have to guess what might be coming"

- Michelle Micelli
  • Transform the way you approach your life and the contribution you make through your career, so that it reflects who you truly are.
  • Integrate your personal values, cultural background, and lifestyle you truly want while making an impact and being in alignment.
  • Build a roadmap to personal and professional fulfillment and impact.
  • Discover how Powerful + Intentional you can be and see your life transform.

Powerful + Intentional



"I liked the discussions and getting the opportunity to hear the different perspectives."

- Tiffanie Ellis-Niles

I'm Clara Angelina Diaz-Anderson

Clara Angelina Diaz-Anderson is the founder of ClaraFying Coaching and Consulting Institute where she leads BIPOC leaders and coaches to make significant impact personally, professionally and systemically. Through her Create Your Best Year Leader's Network, an emerging community of conscious women creating their best year in life and business, she offers bilingual executive coaching, coaching certification training, leadership development courses, business advising, DEIB consulting, speaking, workshops and facilitation.

A certified Master Coach, she teaches Executive and Leadership Coaching at Harvard University Department of Continuing and Professional Education.

Her mission is to empower leaders to be agents of change and co-create a world that embraces diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging and liberation. She is a selected member of the Forbes Magazine Coaches Council and is a guest lecturer at Harvard Business School.

She is originally from the Dominican Republic, is fully bilingual and live in Massachusetts with her husband and two children.

Meet our Guest Speakers...

Business Growth and Operations

Victoria Downes

 Are you ready to take your business to the next level?
Growing your business profitably and sustainably doesn't have to be a daunting or
overwhelming task. You can have the business of your dreams and Victoria will show
you how.
In this workshop, She’ll walk you through the steps to take a fresh look at why you
are in business, what your goals are for your business growth, and how to create a
Business Growth Plan that identifies exactly where your business is headed and how
to get there so that you can reconnect with what motivates you and align your
purpose with your profits.

Confidence Coach

Shana Auguste

Nurturing the relationship with our soul allows us to be in true love with ourselves. When we go inward for answers and trust our intuition, we honor our truth. This workshop will give you the opportunity to center yourself and make space to hear your current inner truth. As time moves forward we grow, and our goals and beliefs can change. Have you asked your soul wants you to know? Your soul is shaking you to wake up and listen to messages that are made just for you!

Carafying Institute

This is for you if you are:

  • Committed to grow as an individual first and then as professionals
  • Open to receive honest feedback
  • Willing to look at oppressive systems and transform them into prosperity practices.

"I really enjoyed the program and believe that I received some great takeaways to carry me on my journey."

- Jackie Zephir

Create Your Best Year With Power And Intention

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